Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Updated program for September 6

The Historiographer of the Diocese, the Anti-Racism Committee, and the School of Ministry
of the Episcopal Diocese of North Carolina

invite you to

“Traces of Our Trade”

Saturday, September 6, 2008
9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
St. Matthew's Episcopal Church, Hillsborough

Litany of Remembrance, Lament, and Hope
Jane Carol Redmont, Chair, Anti-Racism Committee and All Participants

Opening Remarks
The Right Rev. Alfred C. “Chip” Marble, Assisting Bishop, Diocese of North Carolina

Film: “Traces of the Trade: A Tale from the Deep North”

Discussion with Constance and Dain Perry, members of the DeWolf family featured in the film. The Perrys are an interracial couple, members of Trinity Church, Copley Square, Boston, and experienced facilitators.

- Lunch -

Panel: Sharing Our Stories: Racial Histories and Faith Journeys :
* Overview of Church & Race in North Carolina
The Rev. Dr. Brooks Graebner, Historiographer
* St. Mark’s, Huntersville: Restoring a Slave Cemetery
Dr. Michael Thompson, Senior Warden & Professor of History, Pfeiffer University
* St. Matthew’s, Hillsborough: Living with the Legacy of Jurist Thomas Ruffin
Dr. Sally Greene, Parishioner & Member of Chapel Hill Town Council
* St. Ambrose, Raleigh: A Historically African American Congregation
The Rev. Kymberly D. Lucas, Rector
* Segregation and Desegregation in the Life of the Women’s Auxiliary
Lynn Hoke, Historian of the Episcopal Church Women & Project Archivist for Diocesan Records

Workshops and Resource Centers
*** * Telling Our Local Stories: Oral History in a Congregation
*** * Researching Slave Records, Interpreting Slave History
*** * Treasures in the Archives: Mining Parish and Diocesan Records
*** * Resources for Learning and Conversation: Books, Films, Websites, Discussion Guidelines
*** * Exhibit, African American Episcopal History Project

Concluding Remarks: The Right Rev. Michael B. Curry, Bishop of North Carolina

Shelley Kappauf, School of Ministry, 336-273-5770

All are welcome regardless of ability to pay the registration fee.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

"Traces of the Trade" - the film

Here is a link to the website for the film "Traces of the Trade." We will show the film at the September 6 conference, "Traces of Our Trade." A synopsis of the film is here.

(Bishop Marble saw several cuts of the film in the later stages of production, and the Anti-Racism Committee helped to support the production of this film financially. PBS stations around the country aired the film in late June and early July. UNC-TV aired the film once, in late June at 2 a.m. The ARC Chair and Vice-Chair wrote letters complaining about the timing.)

The film debunks the popular notion that only the South was involved in the slave trade. It was produced and co-directed by Katrina Browne, a descendant of the DeWolf slave-trading family from Rhode Island. The DeWolf family were and are active Episcopalians.

Guides, resources, and materials to help with discussion of the film are here.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Registration for "Traces of Our Trade"

You can find a registration form for Traces of Our Trade, the September 6 event on the racial history of the Diocese of North Carolina, on the website of the School of Ministry.

Click here for a direct link to the registration form.

Feel free to copy the form and distribute it at your church.

All are welcome. Please note that we can waive the registration and luncheon fee for those who are unable to pay.